34th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS)


17 a 21 de nov 24


Faculdade Estácio de Belém, Av. Gov. José Malcher,
1148 – Nazaré, Belém – PA, 66055-260.

Call for papers

ENIAC 2024

ENIAC 2024 is the 21st edition of a series of successful meetings bringing together Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, supported by Brazilian Special Interest Groups on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence from the Brazilian Computer Society. 

ENIAC is part of the 34th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS)  to be held in Belém, PA, Brazil –  from November 17th to 21st, 2024. This Brazilian meeting provides a forum for researchers, practitioners, educators, and students to present and discuss innovations, trends, experiences, and developments in the  Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence fields. In particular, it is the ideal event for postgraduate and undergraduate students to submit and present their ongoing results, even their first papers.



Manuscripts are limited to twelve (12) pages including text, references, appendices, tables, and figures. Articles may be written either in Portuguese or English, using the SBC article style:

SBC Template

Papers written in Portuguese must have titles and abstracts in English. Manuscripts that do not follow the formatting guidelines might be rejected without review. Submissions should be carried out online using the JEMS system: https://jems.sbc.org.br/jems2/

Please select the appropriate track (Undergraduate track for papers whose main author is an Undergraduate student, Main track for the others).

The review process will be double-anonymous (authors’ names and institutions must be omitted in the papers). All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work either in an oral presentation or in a poster session. All accepted papers will likely be published electronically through the SBC Open Lib – SOL. There will be no distinction between papers presented in oral or poster format in the proceedings.

IMPORTANT DATES (all deadlines are 11:59 p.m. UTC-12:00 – anywhere on Earth!)

Deadline for submission: August 05, 2024
– Notification to authors: September 23, 2024
– Camera-ready versions due: October 05, 2024

Generative AI models (including Chat-GPT, BARD, LLaMA, Gemini, etc.) or similar LLMs do not meet the article authorship criteria to be accepted into ENIAC 2024. However, we encourage articles that describe research on or involving such advanced AI models and tools.
If authors use an LLM in any part of the article writing process, they take full responsibility for all content, including checking for plagiarism and correcting all text.


Authors are encouraged to submit articles containing new ideas, discussions on existing work, practical studies, and experiments relevant to the Artificial and Computational Intelligence fields, which have not been previously published. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Analytics and Data Science
Artificial Life and Real-Time Simulation
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Automated Planning, Routing and Scheduling
Automated Reasoning
Bioinformatics and AI in Medicine/Healthcare
Combinatorial Optimization
Complex Networks
Constraint Satisfaction Problem and Programming
Decision Support Systems
Distributed AI and Agent/Multiagent Systems
Education for AI and AI for Education
Embedded AI
Emerging Countries and Public Policies and AI
Evolutionary Computation and Metaheuristics
Explainable AI
Ethics and Human-centric AI
Foundation Models and Systems
Fuzzy Systems
Game Playing and Intelligent Interactive Entertainment
Generative AI
Graph-Based AI
Hybrid Systems and Metaheuristics
Intelligent Data Analysis
Intelligent Human-Computer Interfaces
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Robotics
Knowledge Acquisition and Base Construction
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Large Language Models
Logic Programming
Machine Learning
Model-Based Reasoning
Multidisciplinary AI and CI
Natural Language Processing
Ontologies, Semantics, and Explanations
Pattern Recognition and Cluster Analysis
Quantum Computing and Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Software Tools for Artificial Intelligence
Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining
Time Series
Transformation of Work through AI
Trustworthy Software and AI Systems
Vision AI

André Ponce de Leon (ICMC/USP)

Rosiane de Freitas (IComp/UFAM)
Diego Furtado (ICMC/USP)