UFPA – Federal University of Pará
With its head office in Cidade Universitária Professor José da Silveira Netto, in Belém, the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) is present in more than eighty cities of Pará state. It’s considered the biggest public higher education institution of the north of Brazil and the most prestigious one. It also figures in many ranks made by national and international institutions.
Founded on July 2nd, 1957, nowadays UFPA has 2,997 faculty members, 2,458 technicians and more than 50.000 students at many levels of education, such as undergraduate and graduate levels and in basic, technical, and technological education. UFPA was pioneer in offering higher education in the Brazilian Amazon and has been the most important source of highly qualified professionals in the region. It’s top-ranked when it comes to knowledge production and promoting Science & Technology. Due to the collective efforts of students, faculty and employees, the Federal University of Pará is not only the biggest university of the northern region, but also one of the biggest and most important ones of Brazil.
UFOPA – Federal University of Western Pará
Founded in 2009, the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA) is the first federal higher education institution with its head office located in one of the most strategical areas of the Amazon, in Santarém city, the third biggest city of Pará and world-famous for its natural beauties, mainly the meeting of waters of the Amazon and Tapajós rivers.
UFOPA was created from the incorporation of the Santarém Campus of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and the Tapajós Descentralized Unit of Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA), both with activities within the western region of Pará. In Santarám, UFOPA has activities on two campuses: Rondon Campus, located in Caranazal neighborhood (former UFPA facilities) and Tapajós Campus, located in Salé neighborhood (former UFRA facilities). Currently, it offers 48 undergraduate courses, 21 graduate courses, serving more than 8.000 students on its 7 campuses.
Tapajós Unit
Rua Vera Paz, s/nº – Salé CEP 68040-255, Santarém – Pará, Brazil
UNIFESSPA – Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará
Created on June 5th, 2013, by Federal Law 12.824, from the dismemberment of the Marabá Campus of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará (Unifesspa) has contributed to the professionalization of the north of the country in fulfillment of the social role of public universities, especially in the amazon region. With a multicampus structure, it’s present in Marabá (head office), Rondon do Pará, Santana do Araguaia, São Félix do Xingu e Xinguara. However, its influence goes beyond these cities, reaching the 39 cities of southern and southeastern Pará and with potential impact in the north of Tocantins, south of Maranhão and north of Mato Grosso.
Unifesspa offers more than 40 in-person undergraduate courses, 18 graduate programs, in addition to developing research and extension activities which contribute to the economic and social development of Pará and the country.